I study how people adapt to climate change, especially those who’ve experienced extreme weather events.
Through experiments and insights from psychology, economics, and planning, I explore decision-making in challenging contexts.
My work informs practical interventions that encourage pro-environmental behaviour and supports climate adaptation efforts.
Research interests
Behavioural economics, Experimental economics, Environmental economics, Public policy
Interdisciplinary (economics, psychology, public policy)
Experimental methods (field-, lab-in-the-field-, online- and lab-experiments)
Secondary data analysis, Qualitative research
Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Environmental Planning
Aimed academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Dr. phil.)
Tentative thesis title: Behavioural Aspects of Climate Change Adaptation
Main supervisor: Ann-Kathrin Koessler
Tecnologico de Monterrey, School of Government and Public Transformation
PhD in Public Policy
Thesis: Essays in Diffusion of Responsibility, Food Waste and Mobility Alternatives
Available at: https://hdl.handle.net/11285/643371
Supervisors: Luis Serra Barragán (main), Edmundo Molina-Perez, Adan Silverio-Murillo
Tilburg University, Economics Department
MSc in Economics with Specialization in Behavioural Economics
Thesis: The picture superiority effect and social norms on waste sorting, an experimental approach
Supervisors: Boris van Leeuwen (main), Daan van Soest
Tecnologico de Monterrey, Economics Department
BA in Economics